Sponsored Pilot Training UK

==Atlantic Flight Training==
Country, UK

http://www.flyaft.com/contentok.php?id=73"Training is fully funded by Atlantic Airlines, includingcontributions to living expenses during training. The scheme lastsapproximately two years, and exposes trainee pilots to the overalloperations of the airline.

On successful completion of all mandatory courses, including type andline training, a position as a fully fledged Commercial Pilot will beavailable on one of Atlantic Airlines aircraft types.

Industry standard salaries are paid on completion of training.

All Atlantic Airlines asks in return is for your dedication to duty asa line pilot for a minimum of 5 years from the completion of yourtraining."

Atlantic Flight Training Ltd,
Anson House, Coventry Airport West,
Coventry CV8 3AZ, UK
Email: enquiries@flyaft.com

==Highland Airways==
Country, UK

Highland Airways has a "cadet" scheme which is offered to very fewapplicants a year, giving them a £75,000 bond which will be paid backover seven years' time working for Highland Airways

===Air Atlantique==
Countr, UK

Air Atlantique is a small airline, no jets, which hosts a sponsorshipscheme with a few places each year. As expected, the places are highlycompetitive. There are no pre-planned dates for selection. Aftertraining, you must work for Air Atlantique for four years aftercompletion of training (training usually takes 14 months.)


"The sponsership recruitment happens whenever there is the need. CVcan be held for a while before invite to initial interview. I wouldhazard the next intake will be around the end of the year or early inthe new year. From call for interview to start date can be very quick,a couple of weeks! Good luck with the application."

==CTC Wings Scheme==

This is a program which takes you to New Zealand for flight training.You must be an EU national. You must provide a bond and if you can'tafford the bond, you can take out a loan from a high street bank thatCTC has dealings with. At the completion of your scheme, an airlinewill select you as a pilot and that airline will commence paying backyour bond (or will pay you and you pay back your bond.)


==Easyjet and CTC==

"CTC and easyJet will pay for most of the training throughout thecourse. Because this is a significant exposure to both the airline andCTC, you will be required to deposit a cash bond for £60,000. Apartfrom the cost of the Foundation Course (approximately £3000) thedifference between £60,000 and the full cost of training is paid byeasyJet. Don't worry - if you don't have access to this large amountof money required for the foundation course and the bond, there is anexcellent low cost arrangement with a high street bank availablethrough CTC's scheme - the loan is available on an unsecured basis andat a low rate of interest. The bond payment is not required all in onelump - but is made in instalments as you progress through the trainingcourse.

==BA Sponsorship==

==GAPAN Scholarships==

The Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators gives out a scholarshipeach year covering full costs of flight training. There is only onegiven out each year, and if a qualified candidate is not found, it'snot awarded. There are other, partial scholarships also available.

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